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The workshops are planned: 1) ECO PUPPETS   2) BUILD RITUALS    3) LAB. OF TARANTELLA



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The manual provided in the laboratory processing and object construction with waste materials will create new theatrical presences (puppets and musical instruments). Each child will be guided to create a musical instrument or a character, identifying the movements, tones of voice, speech and language of its own. In this way the freedom of creation will be crucial: the expressive self-appointed, by building character and use of theatrical language puppet foster a strengthening of language skills and communicative.

The purpose of the day is to help children see that objects now unused, to take new life, reinventing the forms, creating puppets, clothes, decorations, using the only use of "junk". Not only does this make them lively open to novelty, but especially aware of the possibility to speak the most unexpected objects in different ways, using different languages.

You can choose between three types of creative laboratory "ECOBURATTINI" puppets with construction paper, building puppets with plastic, building musical instruments with recycled items.

1) Construction puppets with paper dolls using the construction of newsprint (newspapers) and masking tape. The card is an extremely ductile material for the construction of animated figures. It is easy to find, and economic.

In this laboratory you use the card as two-dimensional material (patchwork, decoupage, etc. ..), but as model material in three dimensions.

Each boy, led by teachers in the technique of the laboratory, build your own snowman, characterized in stretches and begins to study and invent as a dramatic character, thus identifying its specific characteristics, in terms of character, sound and gestural.

2) Construction puppets with plastic: they always use waste materials such as cans of detergents, plastic bottles, corks, yogurt containers, bags ....

Will be requested to the same guys the recovery of these materials from home, collect them in the days before the start of the project in order to sensitize them to the logic of recycling.

3) Construction musical instruments with recycled items.

For the construction of musical instruments will also use recycled items. It will build maracas (with cans, rice, cotton), rattles (with bottle caps, sticks), zuchi zuchi (with milk large peeled, old cloth umbrellas, sticks and string), flute (with plastic tubes) ....

After the construction of tools will create a small orchestra teaching children to play instruments they have created.

This phase of the workshop is very interesting because it opens the evaluation of the sounds of the objects that surround us and amplifies the attention and curiosity to listen. The discovery of the many possibilities of creating interest to emphasize the formulation of new common language.



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